Business Sponsorships
We welcome support from businesses and local civic organizations.

Earth Day Hero: $1 - $249
Earth day, April 22nd, is a holiday that celebrates our natural world. During the year, Hirundocollects donations in honor of this holiday to support programs, events, and conservationefforts on the 2,460 acres of wetlands and woodlands.

Nature Explorer: Bronze ($250), Silver ($251 - $500), Gold ($501+)
This category supports activities such as free snowshoe rentals during the winter,class feild trips, guided hikes, and other monthly programs.

Youth Camp Champion: $500
Hirundo offers nature-based educational day camps for youth between the ages of 8-13.At these programs, we educate on topics such as wildlife, ecosystems, and becoming a stewardto the environment. Funds at this tier, would help support continuing these programs andoffering them at a lower price.
Trail Steward: $1250
With over 7+ miles of marked trails free for public use, sponsorship funds assist in offsettingthe high cost of maintaining each trail for year-round use. Some of these trails, such asthe Trail of Senses, offer sensory and mobility impaired communities the ability to experiencenature.

Paddling Sponsor: $1500
Hirundo creates access to Pushaw Lake and Dead Stream. Hirundo offers free paddling gearevery Saturday, spring through fall, low-cost gear rentals on other days, and guided paddletours. Funds would help with equipment upgrades and guide volunteer incentives.