Planned Giving at Hirundo
Planned giving is a process of legal, financial, and estate planning resulting in a gift to something you care deeply about. The traditional universe of planned gifts includes bequests, gifts that return an income to you and to others you choose to benefit, and designations in retirement plans and in life insurance policies. It can also include outright gifts that require some additional planning such as real estate, closely-held stock, and interests in limited liability companies and in partnerships. When considering a planned gift to Hirundo please consult with your financial and estate planning advisors.
Silver Maple Society:
Individuals who let us know they have included Hirundo in their estate, retirement, or life insurance planning become members of the Silver Maple Society, a group of special supporters who have made a lifelong commitment to Hirundo. Membership in the Silver Maple Society is an enduring personal affirmation of your belief in Hirundo's mission.
Bequests and trusts:
One of the simplest ways to make a planned gift is to include a statement in your will or trust that a share of your estate or trust will be distributed to Hirundo for the purpose that you designate.
A specific amount or a percentage of your residuary estate may be left to Hirundo using the following language:
I give and devise to Hirundo Wildlife Trust, with principal offices in Old Town, Maine, the sum of $__________ (or x% of my estate or trust residuary) to be used for its general charitable purposes (or for a more specific purpose).
Retirement Funds:
IRAs and Annuity Contracts can include Hirundo as a percentage beneficiary of the account, and provide an opportunity to save income and estate taxes and maximize bequests to family. To make this type of gift, you would use the beneficiary designation form provided by your plan administrator.
Life Insurance:
If you have a life insurance policy that you no longer need to cover its original purpose, you can donate it to Hirundo and receive a charitable deduction for its approximate cash value, or you could name Hirundo as a beneficiary of the policy and retain its ownership. If you have term insurance, e.g. a policy provided by an employer, you can also name Hirundo as a beneficiary, but there would be no current charitable deduction. If you have an insurance policy that will require premium payments in the future, you may be able to donate the policy to Hirundo and receive a charitable deduction for the premium payments as you make them.
Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, and Charitable Lead Trusts
Hirundo would be happy to discuss establishing these gifts and how you could include Hirundo as a beneficiary.
Real Estate:
A gift of real estate that you no longer wish to retain can make an excellent gift to Hirundo and we are happy to discuss these types of gifts with you. In most instances, Hirundo will sell the property after it is received and use the proceeds for the purpose that you designate. Gifts of real estate are carefully evaluated on a case by case basis prior to being accepted.
Join the Silver Maple Society:
If you have made a provision for Hirundo in your will, trust, or retirement plan, please let us know and become a member of the Silver Maple Society. If you would like to discuss a planned gift or joining the Silver Maple Society, please call and we will be happy to speak with you.
Contact Us:
Hirundo Wildlife Refuge
PO Box 266
Orono, Maine 04474
TEL 207-394-2171
Hirundo Wildlife Refuge is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts to Hirundo tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
