Hirundo is more than just a place for play, it is also a place for learning. Since it's founding, Hirundo has served as a living laboratory, facilitated service learning opportunities, and hosted students of all ages.

We kindly ask that you do not show up to use the refuge for research or learning unannounced.
We value every educator and researcher's presence on our property. Even if our resources aren't part of your curriculum, we kindly ask for your cooperation in respecting our space and coordinating visit timing through open communication. With many moving parts and diverse community members using the refuge daily, your communication ensures that your visit aligns seamlessly with other activities, making it a positive and harmonious experience for all.
Some Research + Education Highlights:
Archaeological Field School of the Hirundo Site- Anthropology - University of Maine
Service Learning Projects- Construction Engineering Technology - University of Maine
Flying Squirrel Research- Elise Gudde, Graduate Research Biology & Ecology - University of Maine
Vernal Pools of Maine- Kristine Hoffmann, Graduate Research Biology & Ecology- University of Maine
Duck & Swallow Nesting Boxes Mapping- Forest Resources - University of Maine
Trail Stewards- Woodsmen Team, Green Team, Wildlife Society-Student Chapter- University of Maine
Management Plans- Masters' Student Projects, Business School- University of Maine
Hirundo & Kanu Fundraiser- Luke Wright, Business Management - University of Maine